Jerermm Nano Babel - all bouts on one piece of jewelry
Geozram Nano Bible
24 Bible books from Genesis through Psalms to the Chronicles- the only one produced in Israel
Jerusalem Nano BIBLE JERRONal Nano Babel - Bible the size of an account company. Rosemn Nano Babel Ltd. was established in 2014 by Ami Bentov, journalist and video. As part of his role, many wars covered, and precisely in these places - he found people who were holding faith in God with all their power. During the Technion's work, the scientists presented the Nano Bible, a Bible book written in nanotechnology the size of a grain of rice that President Shimon Peres takes a gift to the Pope. Ami will contact Tel Aviv University the Nanothemical Department and Taar Jazz, one of the grants of Nano technogical in the country, and together they have developed the Jerusalem Nano Babel. A tiny 5mm Bible Book of 5mm, which anyone can carry. When the Grezlem Nano Babel's goal is to allow every believer in his body the Bible with all the amazing blessings and prayers for good livelihood and complete health.
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