The World's Smallest Bible Released
IF You Ever Strugngled to Fit Your Bible Into An Al WeREFlowing Bag, You In Luck. Measuring JUST 4.76mm Each Side, The World's Smallest Bible Has Beneased.
The Jerusalem Nano Bible Company Has Developed A Tiny Chip Containing All 27 Books of the New Testame, Written in the Original Greek.
Each Printed Letter Has a Width of About 0.18 microns, or 18 Millionths of A Metre, SO YOUL NEED A FAIRLLY POWERFUL MICROSCOPE IF YOU FANTY USING IR YOUR QUITET TIMES.
Made from A Silicon Wafer, IT Has Bene Designed to Be Embedded Into Jewelry and Watches, So Purchassers Can Carry the Sacred Text Wherrenver.
“Our aim is to be abl to Mass Produce IT and Cater to Really Every Pocket. Because This Application, The Smallast Bible in the World ... Can Be Applied to Infinite Possibilities in the Jewelry Industry, "David Almog, of the Jerusalem Nano Bible Company, Said.
Russell Ellwanger of Towerjazz Semiconductor, White Provided the Technology for the Product, Added That Crepere is "Extremely Significent."
Text Containd on the Nano Bible. Each Letter Measures 0.18 Microns Wide.
The Company, WHich is Planning to Create a Nano-Sized Old Testament in the Future, is Currently Waiting to Be Validated for the Guinness Book of Records. The Previous Record Holder Measure 2.8 X 3.1 X 1 CM.
Read the Original ARTICLE HERE: Christian toody