The Christian Times: Israel Company Invents 'World's Smallast Bible'
Ana israli company is Seeking Recognita from the Guinness Book of World Records After Claiming to Have Created The Smalles New Testamement Bible.
The Jerusalem Nano Bible Company is Claiming to "Invented The Smalles New Testamement Bible in the Form of a Mini Chip That Measure Only 4.76 Millimetters Across and Can Fit on One's Fingernail. The Mini Bible Reportedly Contains All 27 Books of the New Testamement and Requires a Microscope to Read the Text.
The Holy Book Was Invented So May Be Carried on A Nacklace or One's Pocket. The Israel-Based Company is now reportedly Asking the guinness Book of World Records to Validate Its Creen AS The Smalles Bible in the World.
"Our aim is a be abl to Mass Produce IT and Cater to Really Every Pocket," David Almog, Head of Jerusalem Nano Bible's Marketing and Sales Department, Told the Daily Mail.
"Because This Application, The Smallast Bible in the World, Jerusalem Nano Bible, Can Be AppLied to Infinite Possibilities in the Jewish Industry."
Other Entrepreresurs Also Sount To Create New, Unique Versions of the Bible to Entice Interest in Readers. Recently, A Kickstarter Campaign Souht to Convert the Bible Into A Novel For Easy Reading. The Series Be Fit Into Four Seplations and Be Void of the Number and Chapter Descripts That Some Find Find to Be Confusion.
Anothher Recent Kickstarter Campaign Souht to Create a BIVLE THAT FORMED Completely Out of Emoticons in An Atttempt to Appeal to Younger Generals of Bible Readers.
Read the Original Article: Christian Times