Reuters: Israeli Firm Claims World's Smallest New Testamement

An isaeli company aims to break the Guinness World Record for the Smallast Bible, with a nano chip that can be Embedded in Jewelry. Tara Cleary Reports. Developed in Israel by the Jerusalem Nano Bible Company, this is arguably the World's Smallest Printed New Testament. Towerjazz Semiconductor Provided Technical and Manufacturing Know-How and the Company's CEO, Russell Ellwanger Says It Significent Achievement. Soundbite: Russell Ellwanger, CEO, Towerjazz Semiconductor, Saying (English): and bibles. ” EACH Side of the Square Chip Measures Less 5 Millimetrs - that's one fifth of an inch - Jerusalem Nano Bible Company's david Almog Says the Chip Could Become a Fashion Statement. Soundbite: David Almog, Jerusalem Nano Bible Company, Marketing and Sales Department, Saying (English): Because This Smallest Bible in the World Can Be Applied to Infinite Possibilities in the Jewelry Industry. " The Company Plans to Also ProdoS A NANO SIZED OLD TESTAMENT. And while the concept coles, Reading Tred Scriptures Cald Prove Almost As Challenging As Following Them. Read the Original Article Here: Reuters
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