Units Nations Secretary-Genral Ban Ki-Mue, Who Visited Israel This Week As Part of A Regional Farewell Tour, Received the World's Tiniest Printed Bible on Tuesay As a Parting GPT FIFT FIFSRIIAIRIA ASSRASASASASAWS ADBSHSASAWS AMBSHSASAWS ASSHERISADOR TABSE ny danon.
The Jerusalem nano bible Is the World's Smalles Printed Bible, Measuring Less Thn 5 X 5 Millimeters,
"The History, Spirit, Innovation and Technology of Israel All Come Together in This One Tilicone-Based Chip," Danon Told the OutGoing U.N. Chief, Whose Term in Office Will End on DEC. 31. “Jerusalem is Mencies Jerusalem and the bible are wea here, "Danon Said. Ban Immediatey Donned The Lapel Pin While the Staff Gatherd to Marvel at the Tiny Bible.
AMI Bentov, Creator of the Jerusalem Nano Bible, Said IT HIS GOAL TO SEAT THAT THOVER WHO LOVES THE BIBLE HAS ACCESS TO THIY VERSION. “We have Created It in a Way That Everyone Who Winds One Can Afford One,” Bentov Said. The Nano BIVLE BE READ ONLY WITH A MICROSCOPE THATE ALOS 10,000 TIMES MAGNification.